As with all death sentences, the words brain death come with a considerable amount of baggage, because a patient’s body no longer needs to cease functioning for them to be declared “dead”. With the advent of successful organ transplantation and living corpses all in the same century, doctors began to realize from where the organs for their new transplant surgeries must come. “Patients with a diagnosis of ‘irreversible coma’, as this condition was originally termed, would probably not have received much medical attention were it not for the simultaneous development of biotechnologies permitting solid organ transplants in humans” (Ibid. 64). We needed to declare brain death so that we could use the good organs within the living corpses to save lives. This practice was quickly legalized, in the United States at least, but transplant patients soon came to realize that they were not just receiving their own treatment anymore and would soon be in possession of a part of someone else’s body. (Indeed, the reason that most transplant patients were receiving organs in the first place was because families of the dead often wish for some part of their loved ones to continue meaning something.) Patients realized that they would not be losing their humanity through death, but that they would be made up of people that were not themselves. Sharp’s Bodies, Commodities and Biotechnologies discusses how “Prospective patients…overwhelmingly express a preference for mechanical parts…” (Sharp 2007: 89).

The difficulty that we have with life and death has everything to do with reluctance to lose our humanity. We have determined that brain death is real death because the patient will never be the same, functioning human again. It seems strange, then, that we feel no qualms about replacing parts of our bodies with material objects that have no relation to our humanity. We fear death to such an extent that we are willing to become less of our old selves to escape it, but at the same time we must maintain enough of our old body (namely our brain) that we are not considered dead. The following clip from the movie WALL-E is reminiscent of the line we walk when we perform ‘life saving’ organ transplants. At the end of the movie (go see it now if you don’t want it ruined!) WALL-E seems broken beyond repair and his friend attempts to fix him by replacing nearly all of his parts with new spare ones. When she is finished, we discover that WALL-E has lost his personality and the traits that made him seem human. At the end of the clip he is of course restored to his former self, because this is a children’s movie after all, but the adult audience should have been scared by the possibility that too much of WALL-E needed to be replaced. If we insist on defining death as a loss of our humanity through brain death, at what point do we draw the line? When can organ transplants which prolong biological life become the thing that takes away our humanity?
Works Cited
Lock, Margaret. 2002. Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Sharp, Lesley A. 2008. Bodies Commodities and Biotechnologies: Death Mourning, and Scientific Desire in the Realm of Human Organ Transfer. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 47-105.
Sharp, Lesley A. 2008. Bodies Commodities and Biotechnologies: Death Mourning, and Scientific Desire in the Realm of Human Organ Transfer. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 47-105.